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FCC class A / B
To reduce the risk of harmful interference from a digital device, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) of United States has established requirements for manufacturers.

The FCC has established two classes of the maximum emission levels, Class A and Class B. Class A is for use in an industrial or a commercial area while Class B may be marketed for use in a residential area in addition to use in an industrial or a commercial area.

CE is an abbreviation for “European Conformity” in French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese. The CE Marking is obligatory for products sold in the European market. These products must follow the legislation of certain European health, safety and environmental protection. The CE Marking indicates that the product is affixed to conform to all relevant essential requirements, which refer to safety, public health and consumer protection.

UL is an abbreviation for Underwriters Laboratories, which is an independent product safety certification organization that has been testing products and writing standards for safety for more than a century. UL evaluates products, components, materials and systems from its worldwide service laboratory, testing and certification facilities. UL has developed more than 1,000 standards for safety which are essential to helping ensure public safety and confidence, improve quality of products and services, and reduce costs.

The WEEE and RoHS directives are European Laws which set production, collection, recycling and recovery targets for all types of electrical goods. The WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) directive is the European Union directive on waste electrical and electronic equipment. The WEEE registration number of Lantech is 52768444. RoHS is the directive which restricts the use of six hazardous materials in the manufacture of various types of electronic and electrical equipment. The top priority of these two directives is environmental protection for a better future.

DNV Maritime
DNV (Det Norske Viertas) Maritime Certification specifies the test criteria for all equipment used in ships, high speed and light water craft as well as off-shore oil platforms. The DNV Organization originated in Norway. Initially, DNV was to provide consulting services for managing the risk and quality control systems onboard ships. Today, DNV Maritime is recognized by 80 national maritime authorities in managing their risk for the “Tough” maritime environmental conditions. DNV maritime test directives are defined through the relevant EU-Directives, which include:

  • 1.The Maritime Equipment Directive(MED)
  • 2.The Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC)
  • 3.The Low Voltage Directive(LVD)

DNV Maritime is one of the most reliable certification for ships, on-shore, and off-shore applications.

UL Class I Division II (Group A, B, C, D)
UL Class I Division II is a certification for hazardous locations. Class I locations are areas where flammable gases may be present in sufficient quantities to produce explosive or flammable mixtures. Division 2 is an environment where flammable gases, vapors, liquids, combustible dusts or ignitable fibers and flyings are not likely to exist under normal operating conditions. Hazardous atmospheres are further defined by ''groups.'' These include:

  • Group A: Atmospheres containing acetylene.
  • Group B: Atmospheres containing hydrogen, gases or vapors of equivalent hazard such as manufactured gas.
  • Group C: Atmospheres containing ethyl-ether vapors, ethylene, or cyclo-propane.
  • Group D: Atmospheres containing gasoline, hexane, naptha, benzene, butane, propane, alcohol, acetone, benzol, lacquer solvent vapors, or natural gas.


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